Friday, July 20, 2007

The scene, the setting.

Alright, I've had alot of requests to hear about the conditions here. So here it is. The first day we arrived at the youth centre, it was warm and sunny, but every day since then has pretty quite wet. We were forced to bring the physical activity in doors, which actually worked very well. When we finally went out doors for phys. ed. it was actually very disappointing. The kids really don't listen to directions, and the rest just don't want to do anything. I actually did get to live out my dream though. I made Zhaojue history. I put on the very first street hockey camp. The kids just loved it. It was a dream come true. The food here is for the most part not bad. Some is great, but we have the same thing everyday. I'm getting kinda tired of eating rice. But it's humbling and character building to eat for sustenance rather than eating for desire. We just got hot water heaters installed in our showers, so that was an amazing blessing. The kids love coming to see us everyday, and it's so much fun playing around with them, and teaching them, and seeing how eager they are to learn. Being a teacher is really a special thing. All in all it has been a very unique experience, and it has only just begun...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to finally read comments written by "The Kid".

Each day we check this blog, anticipating news about yourself and the team. Big Daddy is certainly looking after your activities. That makes little daddy very happy!!!